Sunday 29 April 2007

Tin Cup

Film No. 35. 9th film shown Thurs 26/04/07

Jason Solomons said "A rarity this, a serious golf movie, with another rarity, a cool performance by Kevin Costner playing a washed up pro taking a shot at the big title. there's a purity of narrative as it follows the trajectory of a perfect golf shot. Bizarrely, the story prefigured the real life, self destructive hillbilly hero, John Daly"

Friday 6 April 2007

The Swimmer

Film No. 7. 8th film shown Thursday 05/04/07
Lizzie Francke said "Adapted from a John Cheever short story, this is Hollywood at its eccentric best. Burt Lancaster is mesmerising as the middle-class dropout whose nose dive from suburban society precipitates the strangest odyssey. Adorned only in swimming trunks and his startling muscle tone, he pool dips his way across his waspish East Coast neighbourhood and attempts to understand his downfall. Structured episodically, there is an elegant craziness to this satire of sorts, as if it has been dreamt up in vivid Pucci-esque colours after one too many dry Martinis. But it captures the schizophrenic mood of late 1960's America - as one nation burned, another cooled off by the pool".